Links to the Adoption Community
Here are some links to other adoption groups that offer a variety of services to adopted adults and their parents. We urge you to visit their sites and join the North American adoption community!
To allow these groups to speak for themselves, we took their descriptions directly from their webpages.
Canadian Organizations
Parent Finders of Canada
Parent Finders of Canada is a national, community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is to assist and support all members of the adoption community who are seeking reunion with family members lost through adoption. This is done through peer support, education, and advocacy.
North American Organizations
American Adoption Congress
The American Adoption Congress comprises individuals, families and organizations committed to adoption reform. We promote honesty, openness and respect for family connections in adoption, foster care and assisted reproduction. We provide education for our members and professional communities about the lifelong process of adoption.
Bastard Nation
Bastard Nation advocates for the civil and human rights of adult citizens who were adopted as children. Bastard Nation campaigns for the restoration of their right to access their records.
Helping Survivors
Those who have been in foster care or a group home experience sexual abuse and assault at disproportionately high rates.
This list of useful websites is by no means comprehensive. You will find, however, that many of these websites have links to other sites, setting you on a path that can be quite addictive!
Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies
Children's Aid Society of Metro Toronto
Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto
Jewish Family and Child Services
Native Child and Family Services
Province of Ontario: Search for adoption records
Service Ontario